Austrian Health Targets
The 10 Austrian health targets were developed with the aim to prolong the healthy life years of all people living in Austria within 20 years (until 2032), irrespective of their level of education, income or personal living condition.
Since population health is profoundly influenced and determined by many sectors outside the health care sector, the Austrian health targets were defined in a broad and participatory process that involves more than 40 stakeholders from relevant institutions and civil society.
In 2011 the Bundesgesundheitskommission (Federal Health Commission) and the Austrian Council of Ministers requested the development of health targets at federal level. The targets were then formulated by all relevant stakeholders that are part of the process. The 10 health targets were officially approved by the Bundesgesundheitskommission and the Council of Ministers in summer 2012. They were mentioned in two government programmes and are an important basis for the health reform process.
Target 1
Creating health promoting living and working conditions together
How healthy people are, does not only depend on their disposition and live style. The conditions of their living and working environments do also have a significant impact on their health and wellbeing.
Where people live, play, study, shop, move about and spend their leisure time, influences their quality of life and health.
Therefore, it is important, to design all these areas in a manner, that promotes health. For sustainable improvements, the cooperation of representatives from different areas of policy and society is necessary. Together with interested citizens, they engage to promote healthy living and working conditions for all people in Austria.
Target 2
Ensuring Health Equity for all people in Austria
Everybody living in Austria shall have just opportunities, to stay and remain healthy – independent of their origin, living environment and gender. For this to succeed, disadvantaged population groups shall be especially strengthened.
Besides social status and income, education has a big impact on the health of people: therefor this is also an important field of action and fair starting conditions shall be provided.
The health and social system shall be designed in a manner that gives equal access to everyone and respects the specific needs of different target groups. Scientific progress and new approaches in the health area shall benefit all people.
Target 3
Strengthening the health literacy of the population
Health Literacy is a prerequisite for health and equity. It helps people to independently take health related decisions.
To strengthen health literacy, it is necessary to make orientation in the health system easier. For this purpose the access to coherent, independent and reliable information shall be facilitated.
To strengthen health literacy, it is necessary to make orientation in the health system easier. For this purpose the access to coherent, independent and reliable information shall be facilitated.
On the other hand the personal competencies and sense of responsibility of people shall be strengthened.
The goal is, to promote the capacity of co-decision and self-determination of patients within the health system.
Target 4
Protecting air, water, ground and all living environment for future generations
An intact environment is an important foundation for the wellbeing and health of people. Harmful environmental factors can impair health and have a role in the causation of chronic disease.
The people in Austria are exposed to environmental stresses in different degrees. Especially vulnerable and children need to be protected specifically. To protect the health of people in the long term, it is essential to protect air, water, ground and the entire natural environment and to keep them clean. Furthermore safe and high-quality food shall be produced.
For the health of today’s and future generations it is necessary to design living environments in a sustainable manner and strengthen individual environmental literacy.
Target 5
Strenghtening health through social cohesion
Social relations and networks make important contributions for health and wellbeing – solidaric societies are healthier. The social cohesion of generations, sexes and population groups is central for the quality of life in a society.
A positive approach with diversity, a strengthened sense of responsibility for society and better opportunities for participation bolster the sense of community and foster people’s health and wellbeing. To foster social relationships, civil society engagement and participation in democratic, collective processes demands time and corresponding structures.
Target 6
Enabling children and teenagers to grow up healthily
In the first stage of life, the basis for a healthy lifestyle and lifelong health is established. Inequalities in early childhood can continue in adult age. Therefor it is important, to give special attention to the raising of children and teenagers.
If all children and teenagers in Austria receive just health opportunities and optimum overall conditions, this is of long-term value for individuals and society as a whole.
Parents shall be supported from pregnancy onwards in taking good care of their children and establishing a secure and positive bond with them. To foster the parents-child-relationship, it is important, to assist parents in their responsibility and as role models.
Already in childhood the talents, interests and abilities of girls and boys shall be fostered in the best possible manner. Beyond that all children and teenagers have to receive access to needs-based healthcare.
Target 7
To provide access to a healthy diet for all
Nutrition has got a big influence on the health and wellbeing of people in all life stages. A balanced diet can reduce the danger of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
All people need to have access to high quality, regional and seasonal groceries. For this reason health-promotive and sustainable meal offers in kindergartens, schools, work-places, hospitals and nursing homes are necessary. The awareness, how personal health can be supported through climate-friendly nutrition, shall be promoted among all people.
The manufacturing, processing and marketing of food shall also be regarded from the health, ecological and social perspective.
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target 8
Fostering healthy and safe movement in daily life
Movement has a sustainable positive influence on health and promotes the wellbeing of people in multiple ways. Regular physical activity prevents multiple chronic diseases and is an important part of health promotion at all stages of life.
Therefore sufficient movement should be integrated into people’s everyday lives. For this purpose the places where people live, play, learn, are out and about and spend their leisure time, need to be designed in a way that enables secure movement and promotes it.
Especially in Kindergartens, schools, retirement and nursing homes as well as associations, the pleasure of movement and knowledge on her health promoting role shall be fostered. The needs of people with disability should also be considered.
Target 9
To promote psychosocial health in all population groups
Mental health is important for the quality of life and the wellbeing of people. Psychosocial strains can contribute to the development of acute and chronic disorders and be caused by these.
Therefor living and working conditions shall be designed in a manner that promotes mental health in all live phases. Psychosocial strains and stress shall be reduced as much as possible.
The awareness for mental health and mental disorders shall be strengthened to reduce prejudice and prevent exclusion.
People with mental disorders and their relatives need comprehensive and needs-based care, so that they can stay part of society or be re-integrated.
Target 10
Securing high quality and affordable health care for all
Healthcare services have to be oriented towards the needs of patients. Therefore it is necessary, to sustainably protect the public solidary health care system. A forward-looking health care system needs a coordinated approach and quality management within the framework of the cooperative health reform.
The most pressing concerns are: prevention, early recognition, strengthening primary health care, increasing health literacy as well as securing the simple access for all population groups, without disadvantaging anyone. Patient safety and patient benefits are central.
The health system has to adapt to current challenges continuously. For this purpose research and development, practical and needs based training and further education in the health system and good working conditions for health professions are to be secured.
A broad subject requires a broad process
The process of defining the Austrian health targets has been regarded as exemplary at the international level, since all relevant political and social stakeholders have been actively involved. In addition, everyone interested in this topic was invited to express their views and opinions through an online platform. The results of the online participation were then incorporated in the development of the 10 health targets.
Guiding principles
The health targets are based on a number of guiding principles. The most relevant are “orientation towards health determinants”, “health-in-all-policies approach” and “promoting health equity”. They take into account the health determinants and policy areas that are crucial in this respect. In addition they relate to both living conditions and individual behaviour, and identify how health equity can be improved.
Mission Statement
With the Austrian health targets we aim to improve the quality of life of all people living in Austria and contribute to more wellbeing and health. Health is profoundly influenced by the settings where people live, learn, work, or play. Therefore we, as representatives of different organizations and areas of policy, work together closely. We identify determining factors and preconditions, and implement measures, which lead to better quality of life and health. Thereby we invest in Austria’s future.
A framework for action
Implementation of the Austrian Health Targets
For the implementation of the Austrian Health Targets, intersectoral working groups are defining sub-targets and concrete actions. All of the relevant institutions and organisations are represented in the working groups, so that the proposed objectives and measures can be implemented in the respective institutions/organisations. In this way, a systematic approach and consistency as well as sustainability in the realisation of the measures are ensured.
The health targets provide a framework for coordinated action, which is backed by all institutions involved.
The implementation of the Austrian Health Targets is accompanied by a monitoring process. This serves the purpose of strategic management and is intended to contribute towards optimised strategy and action plans. The goals and key elements of the monitoring process were drawn up by the GÖG (Austrian Public Health Institute), coordinated with the Health Targets plenary, and adopted by the Federal Health Commission (BGK).
The monitoring process acts at three levels:
- At the level of the 10 Austrian Health Targets, meta indicators were defined with experts which enable statements to be made on the achievement of goals.
- At the level of objectives, indicators are to be drawn up in the respective working groups.
- At the level of measures, the responsible institutions in the working group define at least one benchmark which is designed to make the level of implementation of the measure visible. At regular intervals the current state of affairs is ascertained. Thereby the working groups and the Health Targets plenary are able to reflect upon the monitoring results regularly and to use this information to plan the next steps.
The monitoring of the Austrian Health Targets takes place in coordination with the monitoring of other strategies such as the health reform process, the health promotion strategy and the health strategy for children and young people.